Chainlink Fencing

Chainlink is a versatile, durable and often cost effective choice for fences. It’s available in standard galvanized silver or green, brown, white and black finishes. The colors, wire and pipe, are usually powder coated or extruded and bonded polyester or PVC. We carry the largest inventory of galvanized chain link materials in western Wyoming from Master Halco. Privacy and security can go hand-in-hand with an attractive and durable fence. Vinyl slats can also add privacy or color to a new or existing chainlink fence.

Have a project?

We offer the same materials to “Do It Yourselfers” and contractors with free planning help and advice in hopes that you can get a professional looking job for a little sweat equity.

For Contractors

We have an extensive collection of pine and cedar fence materials. Get a quote, get your materials and get the job done with Midwest Fence.